Monday 23 April 2018

Check out @mohammd71811's Tweet:
Check out @mohammd71811's Tweet:
Check out @mohammd71811's Tweet:
Check out @mohammd71811's Tweet:

Sunday 22 April 2018

Check out @dailynation's Tweet:

Friday 20 April 2018

Thursday 13 July 2017

™so be patient indeed the promise of Allah is truths..

Be patient until the judgment of your lord comes,for surly you are before eyes.
*Indeed Allah is ever knowing and wise.

Sunday 2 July 2017


ማሻ አላሀ፣ አልሐምዱሊላህ ረብል አለምን፣፣

Thursday 15 June 2017

Allah is for give you!

Forgive people so that perhaps

My forgive you.

Thursday 6 April 2017

He Is with you .wherever you my be and Allah is seeing your deeds


So be patient indeed the promise of Allah is truth.

#Allah does not Burden A soul beyond that it can bear.
                    Qura'an Al-Baqarah :-verse:-286

Indeed prayer prohibits immorality and wrong doing.-Al-Quran:-29:45

Monday 20 March 2017

My success is only by Allah

Do they not see the birds controlled in the Atmosphere of sky none. Holds them up except Allah.
In deed in that Are sings for a people who believe.
                *Qura'an {16:79}

Sunday 19 March 2017

Secret power of prophets

Muhammad {S.A.W}


Nice early


Peace full

Yaa Illah

Mashaa Allah

Friday 17 March 2017

It is Sunnah to smile:-

The messenger of Allah {S.A.W} said :the most excellent of you is the one who learns the qura'an and teaches it"

The prophet never used bad language naither a <<fahish>>
nor a mutatafahish he used to say the best amongst you are those who have the best manners and character:-Bukahar

  =>>who ever reads the Qura'an and memorizes it. Allah will admit him to paradise and allow him to intercede for ten of family members who all deserved to enter hell:

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Who is that?

Let's help each other to Jannah{paradise}. Don't pull others down as you go up.
Instead, reach out a hand help those who are down when you are up.

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ረመዳን ከርም፣የዳሰታ የባራካ የሠላም የሁንልን።ኢኒሻ አላሀ.

Assalamuleyikum wo Rahmatu Allah Ta'al wo  Barakatu Allah. RAMMADAN KARIM.. Happy Ramadan months.for all
