Tuesday 30 November 2021


Patience is a cure for everything. Make Dua. ALLAH hears you. Have a patience and he will answer At right time... 
So you go to get the strong Dua for You.. 

Sunday 2 May 2021

Best Amharic inspiration quotes pics

Best Amharic inspiration Quotes pics

አሚን የረብ!!!

የአላህ የረብ

የኡስታዝ የሲን ኑሩ ሀድስ

ስለ ኢምነትህ/ሰለ ድኒህ/ Hadith video and audio Quran version from this site

Best Ethiopian manzuma

አላሁማ አሚን!!!

አሚን አሚን 
Rammadan Kareem 

Thursday 29 April 2021

ፉኣድ መሀመድ

ይህ ሰው አላህ አጥፍተው ድምፅና አሰምሮ የሰጣውን የፉኣድ መሀመድን ሠላዋት ያዳምጡት።

ረመዳን ከርም፣የዳሰታ የባራካ የሠላም የሁንልን።ኢኒሻ አላሀ.

Assalamuleyikum wo Rahmatu Allah Ta'al wo Barakatu Allah. RAMMADAN KARIM..

Happy Ramadan months.for all

Monday 3 August 2020

Aishah (may Allah be bleased with her )reported:

The messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said, the one who is proficient in the recitation of the Qur'an will be with the honourable and obedient scribes (Angeles) and the who recites if in the best way possible, will have a double rewards. {Al-Bukhar and Muslim} 

"" And when a community among them said:
Why do you preach to a people whom Allah is about to destroy or to punish with a severe tormen?[the preachers]said in order to be free from guilt before your #Lord(Allah)and perhaps they may fear Allah 

Tuesday 17 September 2019

 صلى عل محمد صلألله علي وسلم

Please Read slowly

If you have food in your fridge clothe on your body a roof over your head and a place to sleep you're richer than 75℅ of the entire world,
If you have money in your wallet little change and can go anywhere you want you are among the 18℅ of the world's wealthiest population.
If you're a live to day with more health than illness you are more bleess than the million people who will not survive this week and the die.
If you can actually read this message and understand it are more furtunanate than the 3 billion people in the world who cannot see cannot read or suffere mental retardation
==>life is not about complaining pains and sorrows it's about a thousand other reason to be greatful and happy.

Monday 16 September 2019

Never hate each other, Never be jealous of each other never boycott each other always remain Brothers unto each others

Anything you speed on your family will be a source of reward from the Allah even a morsel of food which you raise to your wife's mouth"
 Prophet Muhammad[s.a.w]

 ==>verily Allah does not look to your faces and your wealth but he looks to your heart and to your deeds
Daily Du'a

=>if you were to commit sin until your sins reach the heaven,then you were to repented your repentance would be accepted.
==>I love children they are content with the least of things gold and mud are the same in their eyes: prophet Muhammad S.A.W

Friday 6 September 2019

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Sharif Amin ziyar in Mombasa

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ረመዳን ከርም፣የዳሰታ የባራካ የሠላም የሁንልን።ኢኒሻ አላሀ.

Assalamuleyikum wo Rahmatu Allah Ta'al wo  Barakatu Allah. RAMMADAN KARIM.. Happy Ramadan months.for all
